List of Participants

Number of registers : 68
Christophe ALMARCHA
Laboratory : IRPHE
Institution : AMU
Country of your organization : France
Maxime Arnal
Laboratory : Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité
Institution : IRSAMC
Country of your organization : France
Laboratory : Laboratoire de Physique Théorique
Institution : Université de Béjaia
Country of your organization : Algeria
Philippe Beltrame
Laboratory : UMR EMMAH Avignon Université - INRAE
Institution : Avignon Université
Country of your organization : France
Michel Benoit
Laboratory : Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors-Equilibre (Irphé) UMR 7342
Institution : Ecole Centrale de Marseille
Country of your organization : France
Francesco Boccardo
Laboratory : Institut Lumière Matière
Institution : CNRS / Université Lyon 1
Country of your organization : France
Wouter Bos
Laboratory : LMFA
Institution : CNRS - Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Country of your organization : France
Dmitry Bratsun
Laboratory : ChemoBioDynamics
Institution : Perm National Research Polytechnical University
Country of your organization : Russia
Olivier Bui
Country of your organization : France
Théophile Caby
Laboratory : I2M
Institution : Ecole centrale Marseille, Aix Marseille université
Country of your organization : France
Ibere Caldas
Laboratory : Deapartment of Applied Physics
Institution : University of Sao Paulo
Country of your organization : Brazil
Julia Cantisán
Institution : Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Country of your organization : Spain
Radu Chicireanu
Laboratory : PhLAM
Institution : CNRS - Universite de Lille
Country of your organization : France
Aurélien Cordonnier
Laboratory : Centre de Physique Théorique
Institution : CNRS, Aix-Marseille-Université et Université de Toulon (UMR 7332)
Country of your organization : France
Umberto D'Ortona
Laboratory : M2P2
Institution : Aix Marseille Univ., CNRS, Centrale Marseille
Country of your organization : France
Joel Daou
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Pierfrancesco Di Cintio
Laboratory : Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
Institution : Università di Firenze, & INFN-Sezione di Firenze
Country of your organization : Italy
Guilhem Dif-Pradalier
Laboratory : IRFM
Institution : CEA
Country of your organization : France
Taoufik Djemil
Laboratory : Laboratoire de Physique des Rayonnements
Institution : Badji Mokhtar University
Country of your organization : Algeria
Mark Edelman
Laboratory : Department of Physics
Institution : Stern College at Yeshiva University
Country of your organization : United States
Ricardo Egydio de Carvalho
Institution : São Paulo State University - UNESP
Country of your organization : Brazil
Yves Elskens
Laboratory : UMR 7345 CNRS Physique des interactions ioniques et moléculaires
Institution : Aix-Marseille université
Country of your organization : France
Andrea Arlette España
Institution : Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Country of your organization : Mexico
shamil Galiev
Laboratory : Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institution : The University of Auckland
Country of your organization : New Zealand
Laboratory : IRFM
Institution : CEA Cadarache
Country of your organization : France
Jean-Marc Ginoux
Country of your organization : France
Aleksandr Gonchenko
Country of your organization : Russia
David Guery-Odelin
Laboratory : Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité
Institution : Université Paul Sabatier
Country of your organization : France
Zwinglio Guimaraes-Filho
Laboratory : Oscillations Control Group
Institution : Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo
Country of your organization : Brazil
Georgy Guria
Laboratory : Mathematical Modeling of Biological Processes
Institution : National Research Center for Hematology
Country of your organization : Russia
Jianzhe Huang
Institution : Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Country of your organization : China
Alexander Iomin
Laboratory : Solid State Institute
Institution : Department of Physics, Technion
Country of your organization : Israel
Jerry Jose
Laboratory : Hydrology, Meteorology and Complexity
Institution : Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Country of your organization : France
Christophe Josserand
Laboratory : LadHyX
Institution : CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique
Country of your organization : France
Agnessa Kovaleva
Institution : Space Research Institute, RAS
Country of your organization : Russia
Agnessa Kovaleva
Institution : Space Research Institute, RAS,
Country of your organization : Russia
Vladimir Krajnak
Institution : University of Bristol
Country of your organization : United Kingdom
Ivan Krasnyakov
Laboratory : Department of Applied Physics
Institution : Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Country of your organization : Russia
Marco La Mantia
Institution : Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
Country of your organization : Czech Republic
Matheus Lazarotto
Laboratory : Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo (IFUSP)
Institution : University of São Paulo
Country of your organization : Brazil
Lev Lerman
Laboratory : Dept. of Differential Equations, Calculus and Numerical Analysis
Institution : Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novforod
Country of your organization : Russia
Cesar Manchein
Laboratory : Physics Department
Institution : Santa Catarina State University
Country of your organization : Brazil
Martinez Maxime
Laboratory : Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de Toulouse - UMR 5152
Institution : Université Paul Sabatier, CNRS
Country of your organization : France
Alexander Nepomnyashchy
Laboratory : Department of Mathematics
Institution : Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Country of your organization : Israel
Shun Ogawa
Laboratory : Center for Brain Science, Lab for Neural Computation and Adaptation
Institution : RIKEN
Country of your organization : Japan
Manuele Onofri
Institution : Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Country of your organization : Italy
Giuseppe Orlando
Institution : Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro” Department of Economics and Finance
Country of your organization : Italy
Lev Ostrovsky
Institution : University of Colorado, Boulder
Country of your organization : United States
Ivan Ovsyannikov
Institution : University of Hamburg
Country of your organization : Germany
Bipasha Pal
Institution : Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
Country of your organization : India
Matheus Palmero
Institution : Instituto de Física - Universidade de São Paulo
Country of your organization : Brazil
Aleksandr Panov
Institution : Chelyabinsk State University
Country of your organization : Russia
zhu ping
Institution : Puer University, China
Country of your organization : China
Mattia Radice
Country of your organization : Italy
Aina Ramamonjy
Laboratory : Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes
Institution : Université Paris Diderot
Country of your organization : France
Florence Raynal
Laboratory : Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique (LMFA)
Institution : CNRS / École centrale de Lyon
Country of your organization : France
Flávia M. Ruziska
Laboratory : Grupo de controle de oscilações (Oscillations Control Group)
Institution : Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo (Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo)
Country of your organization : Brazil
Fabio Sattin
Institution : Consorzio RFX
Country of your organization : Italy
Mathieu Sellier
Laboratory : Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institution : University of Canterbury
Country of your organization : New Zealand
Laboratory : College of Science and Technology
Institution : Nihon University
Country of your organization : Japan
Konstantin Trifonov
Country of your organization : Russia
Peder Tyvand
Institution : Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Country of your organization : Norway
Lorenzo Valvo
Country of your organization : Italy
Alexei Vasiliev
Institution : Space Research Institute
Country of your organization : Russia
Gautier Verhille
Laboratory : IRPHE
Institution : CNRS
Country of your organization : France
simon villain-guillot
Country of your organization : France
Romain Volk
Laboratory : Laboratoire de physique
Institution : ENS de Lyon
Country of your organization : France
Country of your organization : France
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