List of authors > Khadidja Khelloufi

Ising model and forest fire
Khelloufi Khadidja  1, 2@  , Yamina Baara@
1 : MCB
Bir el jir ORAN -  Algeria
2 : Ecole Superieur en Génie Electrique et Energétique Oran ESGEE  (ESGEE)  -  Website
USTO oran -  Algeria

We use Ising Model as a paradigm to study fire forest spread. To take in account thermal radiation, a long range interaction is used. This corresponds to a particular case of Small World Network, deterministic one with an elliptic domain of interaction. In addition, a site weighting procedure induced by combustion time tc and ignition energy of combustible elements is introduced [1]

The universality of critical exponent near percolation threshold is used to investigate the wind effect on spread properties (delta exponent of external magnetic field and beta exponent of the magnetization)[2].

Moreover the behavior of these dynamical exponents is used to examine the ability of fire to spread (Fire susceptibility and it exponents as in magnetic system)[3-4], regardless the flammability of biomass, terrain and the rate of spread.

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